The studio.


My friend Todd Tankersley came a shot a video of the mask making process. I was just playing around at the studio . When I make masks I usually have an assistant helping me with the heats and I use an small ranger (a kind of torch). 

I had the pleasure to build a fully functional studio with my friends Louis Basel and Stephanie Chang in 2008. Our studio is located in historic Japantown, San Jose. However, in the last year we have not been working too hard on the studio. Louis is in the Netherlands getting his Masters, Stephanie is doing the same at Stanford University and I am busy with school too. But the studio is there, ready to be lit. I hope get back to it as soon as I am done with school.

Here is a link to the Studio, mad props to Stephanie, She made the site and the photography:

I call my part of the studio CasaFuego Glass. Some day soon (after school) I want to have a line of production glass. I want to teach at the college level and I want to be a practicing artist (Conceptual and technical). How Im I gonna do that? I am figuring it out as we speak. I like my studio and some day I will be able to make the most of it.